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  • Abigail D. & Jarred


What do our newest students think about ORT, about Corona and about life during this crazy time.

Our 9th grade student Abigail sat with two students: Michal and Nadav from ז2

1. What is it like to start a new year at a new school?

MICHAL: It is very difficult to start a new school because you do not know what is going to happen in the future but you meet new friends.

NADAV: It's a little hard because you get more homework and have to learn new things.

2. Did you come with friends from elementary school?

MICHAL: I came alone from my school. And I hoped to meet new friends.

NADAV: Yes I came with 3 friends.

3. Why did you choose the ORT school?

MICHAL: I came to ORT school because my parents told me it was a really good school.
NADAV: I chose this school the attitude that the teachers give to each student and also that a lot of my friends came.

4. Did you meet new friends?

MICHAL: Yes I met friends on the first day of school.

NADAV: I met new friends but not from school from the internet most of the time we play computer games.

5. How has the Corona affected you?

MICHAL: The Corona is very depressing because it is not fun that you are constantly at home and you do not meet friends and people.

NADAV: The Corona has affected me significantly because you don't see your friend and it is difficult to learn in zoom.

6. How would you describe the studies in Zoom?

MICHAL: I would describe the studies in Zoom easy because the more you use it the easier it becomes.

NADAV: I would describe the studies in Corona as difficult because you have to pay attention to a lot of things and if you do not listen even for a second you can miss important material.

7. What is the first thing you want to do when we get back to a routine?

MICHAL: The first thing I want to do when the Corona ends is meet friends because I have not seen them much.
NADAV: The first thing I want to do when we get back to routine is spend more time with friend and see more people.

8. What is the most fun thing you did during Corona?

MICHAL: The most fun thing I did was spend more time with my parents.

NADAV: The fun thing I did was that I got to spend more time with my family.

9. Which subject is the hardest to learn and which subject is the easiest?

MICHAL: The most difficult subject for me is science because it is difficult to study science without a teacher and the easiest subject is mathematics because it is easiest for me to study at home.

NADAV: The most difficult is math because it is difficult to learn in zoom without help and the easiest subject is English because it is the language I speak.

10. Do you want to go back to school?

MICHAL: I would like to go back to school because I want to see people in reality and also, I am tired of studying zoom.
NADAV: I would like to go back to school because I want to see friends and learn face to face.

11. Did you stay in touch with friends from last year?

MICHAL: I did not stay in touch with friends from last year.

NADAV: I stayed in touch with my close friends and I talk to them at least 3 times a week.

12. What are your goals for this year?

MICHAL: To have good grades and make new friends.

NADAV: My goals for this year are to get good grades and have fun.



In the heart of the Givat Ram Campus, a middle school is growing and developing.

The curriculum in the school is a real celebration for the students and teachers who together create an intriguing, unique, personal, and meaningful education. The pedagogical vision is based on skill-oriented learning, mainly emphasizing how to learn? Each lesson is different from its predecessor and each teaching unit places emphasis on research-based learning processes, developing creativity and entrepreneurship, sharing, communication and presentation.​


As students here in the Givat Ram middle school we feel like a big a diverse family. We strive for greatness and for prosperity.  Each teacher assists every student in everything whether it is domestic or educational problems.


Learning during Corona Time has not been simple. Not for teachers and not for students. But at ORT JERUSALEM every problem provides the staff with an opportunity to grow, develop and create.

Our 9th grade English Class is a talented, committed and determined group of 33 students who realize the importance of not only learning English in the classroom but using it in tangible way.

The New Ort Times is our winter project for the graduating class of 2021. We hope you enjoy it, read it, listen and watch the videos and play the Kahoots!

Jenni Handel/ English Teacher 

The Production Team:

Ron A., Jared, Alon, Noa and Tommy

The Writers:   Each and every student in Mrs. Jenni’s English Class



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